The Seasons

Cerddoriaeth am ddim


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Cerddoriaeth brint am ddim ar wefannau eraill

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The Seasons, Op. 37a, is a set of twelve short character pieces for solo piano by the Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Each piece is the characteristic of a different month of the year in Russia. The work is also sometimes heard in orchestral and other arrangements by other hands. Individual excerpts have always been popular – Troika (November) was a favourite encore of Sergei Rachmaninoff, and Barcarolle (June) was enormously popular and appeared in numerous arrangements.
Mae'r testun uchod ar gael o dan drwydded y CC BY-SA 3.0. Mae'n defnyddio deunydd o erthygl Wicipedia "The Seasons (Tchaikovsky)".

Teitlau eraill

fr:Les saisons