Cantata No. 1

Full score

Ciplun Cerddoriaeth


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Gwybodaeth am Cantata No. 1

Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern, BWV 1, is a church cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach. He composed it in 1725 in Leipzig for the feast of the Annunciation and led its first performance on 25 March 1725, which that year fell on Palm Sunday. Based on Philipp Nicolai's hymn "Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern" (1599), it is one of Bach's chorale cantatas. Bach composed it in his second year as Thomaskantor in Leipzig, where this Marian feast was the only occasion during Lent when festive music was permitted. The theme of the hymn suits both the Annunciation and Palm Sunday occasions, in a spirit of longing expectation of an arrival. As usual for Bach's second cantata cycle, the hymn was paraphrased by a contemporary poet who retained the hymn's first and last stanzas unchanged, but transformed the themes of the inner stanzas into a sequence of alternating recitatives and arias.
Mae'r testun uchod ar gael o dan drwydded y CC BY-SA 3.0. Mae'n defnyddio deunydd o erthygl Wicipedia "Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern, BWV 1".

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Rhagor o gerddoriaeth gan Johann Sebastian Bach

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