String Quartet

Full score

Ciplun Cerddoriaeth



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Gwybodaeth am String Quartet

Maurice Ravel completed his String Quartet in F major in early April 1903 at the age of 28. It was premiered in Paris in March the following year. The work follows a four-movement classical structure: the opening movement, in sonata form, presents two themes that occur again later in the work; a playful scherzo second movement is followed by a lyrical slow movement. The finale reintroduces themes from the earlier movements and ends the work vigorously.
Mae'r testun uchod ar gael o dan drwydded y CC BY-SA 3.0. Mae'n defnyddio deunydd o erthygl Wicipedia "String Quartet (Ravel)".

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Rhagor o gerddoriaeth gan Joseph-Maurice Ravel

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