
No. 7

Ciplun Cerddoriaeth



Cliciwch i raddio


For this violin and piano arrangement it has been transposed into G major, since G♭ major is a difficult key for a violinist to play in.

Gwybodaeth am Humoresques

Humoresques, Op. 101, is a piano cycle by the Czech composer Antonín Dvořák, written during the summer of 1894. One writer says "the seventh Humoresque is probably the most famous small piano work ever written after Beethoven's Für Elise."
Mae'r testun uchod ar gael o dan drwydded y CC BY-SA 3.0. Mae'n defnyddio deunydd o erthygl Wicipedia "Humoresques (Dvořák)".

Trefniannau eraill

Cerddoriaeth brint am ddim ar wefannau eraill

Rhagor o gerddoriaeth gan Antonín Leopold Dvořák

Hoff darnau pobl eraill